Give Them a Turning Point

Your tax-deductible donations to Turning Point Charity help provide a solid fresh start
to those facing abandonment, separation or divorce.

starting point ministries our work

Together We Can

Rebuild Lives


As a Waymaker, your tax-deductible donations of $25 to $4,999 directly help provide counseling, both financial and therapeutic, needed to support families during and after divorce.


As a PathFinder, a gift of $5,000 to $9,999 helps provide the lifeline to our ministries. Your donations go directly to the critical care needed, including legal services to protect women, children and families.

Guardian Angels

As a Guardian Angel, your commitment of $10,000 or more sponsors a family in need with a goal of protecting their present and their futures.**

**The average cost to successfully achieve legal independence after separation or divorce is typically $15,000. This amount does not include living expenses, only divorce-related costs. This funding level gives donors the opportunity to: Join our Advisory Committee; Meet the sponsored family; Receive company or family recognition on our website and Annual Report

Your Support

Helps Us Provide These Services

Create a Plan

  • Hear their story and help navigate feeling overwhelmed
  • Attempt to save the marriage, if possible
  • Recommend helpful family/marriage/grief/trauma counselors as needed
  • Create a plan, timeline and team that gives confidence
  • Assist in finding payment scholarships as needed


  • Create co-parenting plans, schedules and healthy (safe) communication with the other parent to emotionally safeguard children
  • Create a timeline and a transition strategy of what and how to tell the children about the divorce
  • Gather and analyze paystubs, healthcare and childcare costs to determine child support payments
  • Provide co-parenting classes and education

Legal Process

  • Educate on legal process, options, alimony & child support (offering information, not legal advice)
  • Recommend attorneys for their specific needs and assist in scholarships for payment
  • Guide to safety and orders of protection, if needed
  • Attend attorney meetings and court as their advocate, thinking partner & team support
  • Advocate for children’s needs to make sure they are well represented
  • Provide information on the Pro Se process or “Do It Yourself” divorce, if applicable

Financial Blueprint

  • Debts/Assets/Income – Help discover and organize financial documents into a court-approved financial statement and plan for a successful settlement
  • Help create a decisive list of expenses and needs for possible alimony and/or child support
  • Assess value of spousal or family business to assist attorney, mediator or court in equitable division
  • Work with a certified financial planner to ensure that long-term financial needs are considered

Family Home

  • Determine the value, debt, repairs and maintenance needed of the family home and the financial and emotional impact of who keeps the house or rental
  • Help families decide how to equitably divide furnishings and home items
  • Assist in selling or searching for new places to live that fit within their budgets
  • Provide refinancing or other options to remove a spouse from a home deed after divorce

Future Employment/Income/Social Reconnection

  • Determine education & skills needs for employment re-entry or obtaining higher paying positions
  • Provide job placement referrals
  • Direct clients to social and spiritual communities where they can thrive as individuals or single parents


  • Encourage and guide by scripture to reveal God’s plan for their lives
  • Recommend one of Turning Point Charity’s Support Groups
  • Provide tools and life coaching for healing, self-awareness and growth through Christ