
Sex-trafficked Mother and Young Daughter Need Our Help TODAY

We are assisting a mother who has been in hiding with her daughter for over 3 years gain a rightful divorce from her abuser and gain sole possession of her daughter.
$0 of $15,000 raised

Williamson County, TN – We have been working with Bridges Domestic Violence Center in assisting a mother who has been in hiding with her daughter for over 3 years gain a rightful divorce from her abuser and gain sole possession of her daughter. This wife was sex trafficked by her military husband for 10 years and was raped upwards of 10X a day by sex contracts orchestrated by her husband and military personnel who has also threatened to do the same to their daughter.  This beautiful mom and daughter are living on less than $15/hour in Williamson County and their temporary affordable housing will soon be gone as of Aug 1. We have gathered 3 very successful family law attorneys to assist in this case who have worked pro bono up until this point, but we also need to help fund a specialist to examine the case and access to the minor child by the father.

We are raising a minimum of $15,000 to afford a psychological expert to testify in the case, temporary housing, childcare expenses, basic food and needs and critical legal assistance to keep this family safe until the divorce is complete.

Yes, this is right in our own backyards. WE NEED YOU.